When someone is copying the life of an Instagram influencer
Yo bro wanna hit the juul?
Hell yeah bro that's that Instagram life
pun of 'sealife centre'. Used to refer to the feeling in the middle of your chest (heart) when you realise you are just a gangsta.
"just took a trip to the g-life centre, know what I'm saying?"
That one phrase you use when the weirdest, strangest, most random out of nowhere thing happens.
“Hi, so guess what, I was taking my cat for a walk-“
“People walk their cats?”
“Your getting distracted, lemme talk. Anyway, i was walking my cat, and there was this cucumber just sitting right in the middle of the sidewalk!”
“You called me up just ti tell me that?”
“What can i say, life is random.
when looking for something for a long time and finally finding it, thus completing a part/chapter of their life. an average person would go through about 30-70 major life cycles in their lifetime, often finding lost questions and answering them or even solving problems that used to matter to them but holds no more value.
finding the name of a song that you tried to find out for 5 years, which makes that life cycle 5 years long.déjà entendu
jamais vu deja vu presque vu
When a person shows and manifests a luxurious and well-lived life on social media, that is not necessarily true. Can be used to improve one's social and public image. Associated with "showing off" for the sake of getting awe from its audience. Derived from "sports-washing" and "green-washing".
This person is clearly life-washing, his/her life cannot possibly be this good and easy!
a song that goes something like this
u u stare right in through some window to Ur right as he goes left u stay right between the lines of fear and blame u behind to wonder why u came
where did I go wrong I lost a friend somewhere along in the bitterness and I would've stayed up with u all night if I knew how to save a life. There is more lyrics but u can't remember the rest of them
random person: Searches up how to save a life on urban dictionary for some reason
random person: wait I never knew that was a song