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The first thing ever.

John 1:1 began with words but it didn't begin with the word word.

by Funnys hit April 4, 2022


words are things connected by letters

Student: What means word
Me: Word is connected by letters.(For example six)

by pehndlxzmvabdpofgvbcxjkbgv October 12, 2023


this is a word. it means word. if you dont know what word means you're dumb.

person 1: what is a word
person 2: omg are u dumb it means word

by ididthisinspanishclass March 9, 2020


1. A word with letters

2. a way of saying something

1. It's a word
2. You are you

by DictionaryIsLife November 24, 2019


One of the easiest definitions is word because a word is a word

Congrats now you know what a word is

by Simpledefinitions January 31, 2023


a word

hi that's a word

by FTW now go October 16, 2019


Agreeing to something or someone.

Jordan- “Yo I rolled up a blunt
Joe- “ oh wordddddd”

by LarryLegend1986 March 23, 2022