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January 26

january 26 is the worst day you could have your bday on. If your birthday is on january 26 you should probably change that

Ew her birthday is january 26

by Caroline4444 October 29, 2019

6πŸ‘ 72πŸ‘Ž

26 red

When a girl gets eaten out and she's on her period.

My boy pulled a 26 red yesterday.

by Killaheubzo September 27, 2017

2πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

December 26

show your pussy to Reece day

omg it’s December 26 i got to show reece my pussy

by THEREECEMICESTER November 17, 2019

1πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

26 4's

Gangster term meaning nothing! But using it as gangster slang in rap songs would make it HOT!

When you see us rollin' up in our 26 4's.............

by Sam Favata July 24, 2007

6πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

B-26 Marauder

The Martin B-26 Marauder is an American twin-engined medium bomber that saw extensive service during World War II. The B-26 was built at two locations: Baltimore, Maryland, and Omaha, Nebraska, by the Glenn L. Martin Company.

First used in the Pacific Theater of World War II in early 1942, it was also used in the Mediterranean Theater and in Western Europe.

After entering service with the United States Army aviation units, the aircraft quickly received the reputation of a "widowmaker" due to the early models' high accident rate during takeoffs and landings. This was because the Marauder had to be flown at precise airspeeds, particularly on final runway approach or when one engine was out. The unusually high 150 mph (241 km/h) speed on short final runway approach was intimidating to many pilots who were used to much slower approach speeds, and when they slowed to speeds below those stipulated in the manual, the aircraft would often stall and crash.2

The B-26 became a safer aircraft once crews were retrained, and after aerodynamics modifications (an increase of wingspan and wing angle-of-incidence to give better takeoff performance, and a larger vertical stabilizer and rudder). The Marauder ended World War II with the lowest loss rate of any U.S. Army Air Forces bomber.

''ALRIGHT BOYS YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO'' *The B-26 Marauder drops bombs* ''BULLSEYE!''

by Kenny McCormick.die April 20, 2023

March, 26, 2023

March, 26, 2023 is a very important day bc itz me birthday les go!!111!

yo its matmannn bday on March, 26, 2023

some kid: yea thats cool but I didnt ask

by MatMannn_ March 6, 2023

January 26 2007

The worst day to be born, anyone born on this day is an absolute fucking moron
Being born on this day is fucking embarrassing and idiotic

Hey mom what does January 26 2007 mean? Mom ; well it means your a fucking idiot

by Stoopid One January 14, 2021

11πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž