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Yes Monkey

A person who is expected to completely agree with those around them, however this is against their will. They are usually a person who tries to avoid conflict and to get away from the situation agrees so that they can leave. They are made to be a "Yes Monkey" be it for a group project, an organization, or by being out numbered.

They are an individual, but at the time might feel that its better to chose a different battle and move on.

Similar to a Yes Man.

John: I was made into a yes monkey by my group members, I don't like working with people I don't get along with.

Katie:I am not a yes monkey, I'll say no when it counts, otherwise, let the stupid do what stupid will do. Their idea was not a good one.

by The Criminologist January 25, 2012

Kung ye

Something that is very difficult.

The physics final is full of kung ye. Kung die me la.

by PV = NTR June 21, 2023

mmmmm yes

The sound and word you say when you have nothing else to say or a response to another statement. It is usualy used when the user sees or hears something they like or like in a meme way. Liking something in a meme way would be liking something if the world worked like it does in some memes or liking a meme worthy topic. An example is cannibalism. Someone might not like cannibalism because its not good and its illegal, but cannibalism is generally used in a funny sense in memes. Mmmmm yes would be an appropriate response to any topic like that, but sometimes it isn't depending on how the user and hearer think about, interpret and respond to the topic and specific response. Another thing about it, the specific topic, usually meme worthy, can and sometimes is stated afterwards like in the example

Person 1:"what do you think humans taste like?"
Person 2:"mmmmm yes, cannibalism. I do like that."

by Lamb sauce l o c a t e d February 1, 2021

summer of yes

The summer decided on by a group of friends in which yes is said to every opportunity whether it be horrible and dangerous or simple. A summer to experiment and ultimately potential ruin your life at least for the time being.

Summer of yes fucked me over I have 3 stds and I should have slashed more tires.

by Bruthr Pooti January 23, 2018

yes mama

When a guy says “yes mama” he could mean one of the two things. He could be referencing to sex. Or a polite way to say yes to a girl.

Boy, “Yes Mama!”
Girl, “ok

by Coffietable August 24, 2019

The yes card

This card. Even more powerful than the "No" card. It acts as a "No you"

The yes card. Even more powerful than the No card. It acts as a "No you

you can do anything, because yes. I can counter the no card, because "yes".

by Rip_Player January 13, 2023

Die Of Yes

a man with dignity and war humour

Yooo you know die of yes?”
“yeah he pretty chill.”

by m1cecircus January 15, 2023