People born on this day have the biggest and best dick. People often fantasize on how people born this day will be able to fit their big fat juicy dick in you.
Person 1:”Ayyy buddy what day is it”
Person 2:”My birthday March 22”
Person 1:”Ohhh that’s why it’s so big and juicy”
Person 1:”I ain’t gay but my homie need some pleasure”
National kiss your boyfriend day is on October 22. You have to make out with your boyfriend on October 22. Your excuse is it’s a holiday.
Girlfriend: We should make out because it’s October 22
Boyfriend: Ok
National annoy your siblings day.
Sibling: Can you fuck off
Me: No it's October 22
*girl*bro it’s October 22 that means its national slap martin day let’s go slap hi
national kiss any guy or girl u want😘😘
on OCTOBER 22 any girl or guy can kiss whoever they like
Say I love you to your gf or bf
Its October 22Hey you see my gf over there I love her
National unground your child day.
Child: Mum look at the date, it’s october 22.
Mother: Looks like I have to unground you.