minionlover123#0001 appreciation month on discord, the savior of .gg/afton
"Yo man, it's 19 March - 31 April!"
"Oh yeah man, let's celebrate!"
These days you can hug anyone from behind and they must hug you back
-man,i really want to hug my crush
-go hug her because it is the time(between 24-31 october) you can hug her anytime and she must hug you back
July 31 is Haylens birthday. Dont be shy to text em happy birthday!
whats today? July 31, haylen day happy b- day haylen!
Wait... The Jewish guy who is better than anyone at CNN... He's going to cite the passage in the bible where God... Tells his followers... To kill all of the men.... And all of the women who have known a man... And to capture all of little girls as spoils...
Hym 😨 "Did he just cite numbers 31!? I mean... You see the irony there, right? Am I the only one who sees it? I am? Oh... Well, no, see... I mean, you SEE the irony there? Number 31? THAT is the passage from the bible you want to quote there? Your entire position was 'Hamas are animals! The Jews would NEVER do the thing that Hamas is doing... Which is murder and kidnap children.... Like in Numbers 31... Where God tells them to do that... And then they do exactly that...' I mean, do you see the irony there? That you chose THAT PASSAGE to quote? You could have chose LITERALLY any other part of the bible! But you chose the 'Murder and kidnapping' part to quote... THERE, like, TODAY... Just now... Wh... Why?"
2:31 is when math is over
On May 31 you get to slap any girls ass
“ Yo today is May 31 yk you get to slap any girls ass?”
National appreciate your girlfriend day
Happy appreciation your girlfriend day on the may 31