Source Code

that's what I'm talking about

expression of approval or anticipation

Dude 1: "Dude, check out the size of that cheeseburger!"
Dude 2: "Now, that's what I'm talking about!"

by Fronck June 2, 2008

136πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

nothing to write home about

Pretty good, or at least decent, but far from the best ever. Usually about a 6 out of 10, but can be used figuratively to mean much worse.

Rick: "Oh man this crack is alright, but it's far from the best I've ever smoked. Nothing to write home about."
Steve: "Shut up dogg what are you talking about? This is some quality shit. I'm definitely going to tell my mom what good crack I've been smoking in my next letter to her. She'd really be proud of me for smoking only the best crack."
Rick: "Word on the street"

Steve: "Shit man I was wasted last night. What the fuck happened?"
Rick: "You went off with some whore, dogg. Where did you wake up?"
Steve: "In the alley behind that strip club. How was she?"
Rick: "I don't know, man...nothing to write home about."
Steve: "Oh shit, you serious?"
Rick: "Yeah playa, that's rough."
Steve: "It itches. Not a good sign."

by Nick D November 24, 2003

116πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

Whatchu know about (blank)?

(phrase) - To inquire another individual as to how legit he or she is in a particular action or subject.

- To affirm the significance of an action or subject by presenting a personal knowledge and possibly cred in the given subject.

-What black people say to show superiority over white people at a specific action or subject.

-Whatchu know about (blank)?

-Whatchu know about vanilla pudding? That shits the truth.

-Whatchu know about being sick and tired of this bullshit?

-Whatchu know about basketball, son?

by Dark-side August 8, 2010

17πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Go cry about it on Myspace.

This is a term relating to the large emo populace on newgrounds. It is usually meant insultingly when someone is complaining about something.

- My girlfriend and I broke up.
- Go cry about it on Myspace.

by Peter Deer September 10, 2006

70πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

Speak to a man about a Cadillac

Another alternate phrase meaning going to take a piss, uttered to a friend in a bar.

Man 1: I'm going to speak to a man about a Cadillac.
Man 2: Cool, I'll order us another round.

by Smokin' Bitch Magnet February 4, 2006

39πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

I know what that's about!

something to say to somebody when either you are not listening, don't give care about what they are saying, or when you actually have NO EFFING IDEA what they are talking about. A very good closer to a conversation you are trying to walk away from.
You need to be careful, because used too often in the wrong situation, the insincerity shows through.

"So, I was at that office for over two hours and then they had me go down town and talk to someone who it must have been her first day. And long story short, I still don't have my reflectors back from the warehouse."

"I know what that's about!"

by mrRected April 14, 2010

Dying dead about ye

Northern Irish phrase, equating to a degree of fascination or term of endearment toward the object of your affection.

Definition - β€˜You’re pure good looking, I’m dying dead about ye’

by DOÍREABÚ January 30, 2021