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Amazing Atheist

1) A youtuber who makes videos supposedly supporting atheism, yet in reality is a massive apologist of Islam. He looks like the offspring of Santa Claus and Jabba the Hut, if it was a middle-aged hipster douche

2) the act of sticking a banana up your ass, as made popular by The Amazing Atheist

If you have a banana you don't want to spoil, just Amazing Atheist that shit!

by Jeffk393 September 26, 2015

22๐Ÿ‘ 74๐Ÿ‘Ž

Atheist girl

Massive slut who is into kinky things and fetishes. She is able to to take it deep in the ass and would be able to gyrate her ass on your cock as you fucked her. Most prostitutes are atheist girls like this. Normally into fisting, rimming, scat play, enema's and other dirty sexual acts. An atheist girl is good during that period of life when you want to experiment with your sexual limits but she is otherwise a forgettable, unintelligent person who, outside of sex, screams about the "oppression" religion imposes upon her.

An Atheist girl will do things no Christian girl would. She isn't girlfriend or marrying material and is only good for sex.

by Skialian January 12, 2014

26๐Ÿ‘ 113๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rock Atheist

A person with little knowledge in epistemology who mistakenly thinks atheism is just a lack of belief in a god. Popularized by a famous internet who claimed that rocks are atheists because they lack belief in a deity. Rock atheists tend to ignore academic sources and use their conjecture as evidence of their position. They falsely claim prepositions are claims as to twist any argument as a burden of the other side so they can promptly dismiss.

Gary is a real rock atheist. He thinks atheism and agnosticism are different categories because one is a knowledge claim and the other is a belief claim.

by Descartes' revenge March 12, 2022

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timezone atheist

when you are atheist but you also think timezones are fake so you're timezone atheist

now realizing timezones are fake as fuck, so i became timezone atheist.

by CA$$H November 6, 2017

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atheist right

noun) The right-wing of the atheist community, particularly online. A person in the atheist right might have left-of-center politics on some issues, but hold conservative to reactionary and regressive beliefs on other issues, especially on topics of feminism, LGBTQ issues, religious tolerance, "political correctness", race, and gender.

"The atheist right likes to think of themselves as rational, however, on many issues they sound indistinguishable from the religious right."

by RottingintheMidwest2 January 28, 2017

34๐Ÿ‘ 157๐Ÿ‘Ž

Atheist girl

Massive slut who is into kinky things and fetishes. She is able to to take it deep in the ass and would be able to gyrate her ass on your cock as you fucked her. Most prostitutes are atheist girls like this. Normally into fisting, rimming, scat play, enema's and other dirty sexual acts. An atheist girl is good during that period of life when you want to experiment with your sexual limits but she is otherwise a forgettable, unintelligent person who, outside of sex, screams about the "oppression" religion imposes upon her.

An Atheist girl will do things no Christian girl would. She isn't girlfriend or marrying material and is only good for sex.

by Skialian January 12, 2014

25๐Ÿ‘ 111๐Ÿ‘Ž

Atheist girl

Massive slut who is into kinky things and fetishes. She is able to to take it deep in the ass and would be able to gyrate her ass on your cock as you fucked her. Most prostitutes are atheist girls like this. Normally into fisting, rimming, scat play, enema's and other dirty sexual acts. An atheist girl is good during that period of life when you want to experiment with your sexual limits but she is otherwise a forgettable, unintelligent person who, outside of sex, screams about the "oppression" religion imposes upon her.

An Atheist girl will do things no Christian girl would. She isn't girlfriend or marrying material and is only good for sex.

by Skialian January 12, 2014

24๐Ÿ‘ 109๐Ÿ‘Ž