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oriental beef

a dispute which involves chinese or south-east asian people. Also the act of starting such dispute with said folks. Comes from the name of a popular flavor of ramen noodles

Dude, he pissed off the black dragon triads? serious oriental beef, man...

by maks May 10, 2004

8👍 1👎

Beef ting

When two people are on bad terms, they have a beef ting

Girl 1: aye you kno *insert name here* and *insert name here* got a beef ting goin on??

Girl 2: damn in not suprised they was talkin shit bout each other yesterday! If you hear about a fight text me!

by gingerfromcanada January 16, 2018

8👍 1👎

beef and broccoli

An especially potent blend of two types of marijuana. One type being green and the other having a more brown appearance.

Northern Lights mixed with Chocolate Thai.

by DunbladeKilla January 30, 2004

99👍 40👎

Beef Schweat

The moist combination of sweat and sex juices that trickle down the taint and ball sack during hot, vigorous sexual activity.

I need a towel to wipe up the beef schweat.

I still got the beef schweat this morning. I dicked her good.

Rachel always goes down on me after sex. She loves the taste of my beef schweat.

by Eaton Holgoode December 21, 2017

beef nut

The larger left testicle of a muscular bovine of a man.

I was just in the football team’s shower after practice this morning and I saw Chad’s sack. Man has a Thiqué beef nut on him.

by Cômrådę Thicqué December 25, 2020

beef chair

When four guys form a chair with their erect penis.

Ex. Hey girl, you want to come sit in our beef chair .

Hey girl want to come sit in this beef chair

by ontai June 19, 2014

Reverse beef

When someone incites beef with someone, only to claim that the other person was starting the beef.

“Bro, Danny just reverse beef’d me after he said I was the one starting beef even though he fucked Kelsey.”

by Firsdaddy69 February 11, 2018