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caleb and ayla

the perfect couple, they are made for each other. One someone says something funny or shocking they look at each other first. It takes a while for them to get close but eventually they have the perfect relationship. They're great friends and always put their friendship before anything else. Everyone wishes they had their relationship.

Caleb and Ayla will always be meant for each other

by clairebrooke7385 June 4, 2022

Caleb Carr

A guy who can't shoot basketball, fails every subject, is about 4 ft. tall, and might be a woman

Boy 1: "That guy sucks at basketball"
Boy 2: "Yah he is a total Caleb Carr"

by Chef'n'25 February 23, 2016

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Caleb Breedlove

That one annoying kid that you kind of like but not really. He is also someone that is really bad at picking and making friends. PS He is horrible at sports

Wow he is such a Caleb Breedlove why does he hangout with that Jacob Silvers kid

by 123obesity February 16, 2017

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Caleb and Lydia

A pair of people that make a really good couple. Perfect for each other in every way.

Wow, they are definitely a Caleb and Lydia!

by Brandy98789 August 31, 2008

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caleb reagan

N. A man above the rest; a man without equal

that dude is like... caleb reagan

by John Schroyer August 13, 2007

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Caleb downton

A Caleb downtown is a kid who is under 5’0” has horrible hair and looks like a wisdom tooth

Yo Caleb want to come over

No but do you want to play fornite

That’s the word Caleb downton defined

by Jaggediceburg February 15, 2020

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caleb reagan

N. A man above the rest; a man without equal

that dude is like... caleb reagan

by John Schroyer August 13, 2007

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