Usually outside of the clothing, heterosexual male digital poking with two fingers. Typically done as a hazing or group humiliation ritual in southern Jesuit high schools. Birthdays, sports team rights of passage, or group get together. Ideally done when catching someone in thin gym shorts or slacks vice jeans.
It’s Harvey’s bday today, he got “the claw” from the whole team him really good outside the cafeteria.
BIPOC CLAW is a word from a joke written and performed by Scott Coburn a standup comedian in Seattle Wa.
It’s strange how millennials love white claw because they hate everything white. Can you imagine how popular this stuff would have been if it that called I BIPOC Claw?
2👍 1👎
Fake finger nails, typically longer than 1/2 an inch from fingertips, with large amounts of color varience, or one solid color that starkly contrasts skin tone.
Shandira's welfare-claws are long enough to kill a man.
To claw at with your nails; to beat on; to abuse.
Hamilton relaxed and rejoiced with the knowledge that the future President was just a clapper-clawed hack.
It's when you are sitting there and have a random boner
Billy: ha ha you have a razor claw
Mark: O dang i hope no one else sees it
Similar to “voodoo clam” it’s when your exes always want to get back with you regardless of gender or sexuality.
That girl really has the voodoo claw in people, all her exes be hitting her up.
matthew taking a widowmaker from behind who then gets taken by a road hog
omg that mandible claw was so good last night