A person or group that literally absorb someone else’s culture as their own and act as if it’s theirs. They are not just a Weeaboo or a Koreaaboo. They do it with everything.. e.g. A European visits an Asian country and becomes fascinated with their culture. When back in their country they start acting like the people of that country they visited e.g. Korea, even speaking broken versions of the language in an attempt to be the same as them. They even throw in a random foreign word into the middle of a sentence. They will especially do this around their friends and family and try to get them to act the same as them..
Mike: Hey Tom how are you today.
Tom: Fine how about you Tom.
Mike: I’m daebak..
Tom: You’re wha—
Mike: Wanna grab some ramyeon!!
Tom: You don’t even like ram—
Mike I’ll take that as a yes....
*Proceeds to take out two wooden sticks and act as if they are chopsticks*
Tom: Ah so you’re a culture absorber...
A porn addict.
Weeb 1: That loli is so hot i clummed
Weeb 2: Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well.
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One who crafts innovative solutions for the Culture.
Mike is what we like to call a Cultural Entrepreneur, meaning one who crafts innovative solutions for the problems faced by people living within the diaspora.
Progressively unproductive. Doing things that amount to nothing that make you wonder why you just did that. An example being the constant conversation about the homeless in Portland metro yet nothing being done.
Person #1: Hey! How was the protest?
Person #2: Oohh, you know. We protested, it was Portland culture.
Person #1: Wow, too bad you wasted all that time for nothing!
Alternative culture is a type of culture that exists outside or on the fringes of mainstream or popular culture, usually under the domain of one or more subcultures. These subcultures may have little or nothing in common besides their relative obscurity, but cultural studies uses this common basis of obscurity to classify them as alternative cultures, or, taken as a whole, the alternative culture. Compare with the more politically charged term, counterculture.
In London, Camden Town was known for its alternative culture.
Toffs call it social climbing. Depending on the person's attitude and background you can work out if they are just under confident (which makes them ok), a self absorbed dick-head (bad) or a whining neurotic (v bad). These people are usually peer-pressured, inexperienced in life, and think they don't fit in. Solution: get the knowledge about how to be cool, but don't think on it too much. BE cool, not ACT cool. There's a difference. And be part of the crowd, but don't think like the crowd. NB: being popular doesn't involve being a social climber, unless your peergroup are childish twats.
teenage whining neurotic A: I wish I were cooler like Ben. Ben wears Nike, I'm going to plaster my face and back and room with Nike.
teenage awesome dude B: Meh, don't be culturally ambitious, but I get you.
teenage dick-head A: I want to ditch you, move on to these new cool guys so I'm going to change everything about my style to fit in.
teenage awesome dude B: if you want to ADD to your personality and ADD friends, fine, but if you're trade up? fuck you