The ability to speak, read, and write in three different languages but being unable to coherently communicate using them.
The Joon Hoops Groupchat is the epitome of 'trilingual culture.' Most of us are multicultural and can speak different languages but still end up being dumb as fuck.
When your memes are danker than your foes'.
China is influential over 6/6 civilizations needed for a cultural victory!
The opposite of pop culture. Not opposite because of it's level of oddness. Rather, opposite in it's level of uniqueness.
Under ground hip hop, and unsigned indie acts are a core foundation to Kounter Culture.
Fishing, hunting and noodling are cultural necessities. The rest of organized sports is too faggy, girly or top heavy with rich, lippy Knee Grows or Puerto Ricans such as are in baseball. Any serious Redneck is a NASCAR Historian and wept for days after Dale Earnhardt met his demise on that fateful day in 2001.
Google Redneck Culture for the ABCs of Redneck Culture
Similar cultural appropriation, however, the person appropriating the culture is a thot.
Cultural Ahopriation: A white pornstar wearing Asian clothing while sucking dick.
Cultural fit means that employees' beliefs and behaviors are in alignment with their employer's core values and company culture . But also a schneaky-ass way to only hire people who you like or who look like you.
"Unfortunately, even though you graduated magna cum laude from MIT and you've worked for Goldman Sachs for two years already even though you're only 18 - you being a black chick doesn't go with our culture fit of white nerdy guys from CalTech.
The ability to go out and get smashed with your rugby team after a game in a variety of different outrageous outfits such as dresses & togas, and not be labeled as weirdos. Because its not gay if its rugby!
Sarah: did you see the rugby boys last night? They were all in dresses!
Beth: well, dressing up is part of the rugby culture!