A moment in which a person become extremely emo and pooey. In these moment a person may experience quoting emo quotes or participating in "am i emo" quizes. When we all know, yes you are an emo
Person A- "I'm drowning in a dark pit of nothingness"
Person B- "ellie moment..."
Person A- "I’m numb and I’m tired. Too much has happened today. I feel as if I’d been out in a pounding rain for forty-eight hours without an umbrella or a coat. I’m soaked to the skin with emotion"
Person A- "becasue im the devil whos searching for redemption 💀 😢"
Person A- "Already I realize certain feelings I was not aware of, like the fear of being hurt.
I despise my own hypersensitiveness, which requires so much reassurance. It is certainly abnormal to crave so much to be loved and understood"
Person A- "Anxiety is a feeling grown too large. A feeling grown aggressive and dangerous. You're responsible for it's consequences, you're responsible for treating it. But Michael, you're not responsible for causing it. You're not morally at fault for it. No more than you would be for a tumor"
Ellis winter is a lanky nonce who thinks that it is legal to shag underage girls, Ellis uses his size to dominate these young females and gives them no choice than to be fucked by this monster cock.
If these girls didn't smell of fish before this encounter then they definitely do now, Ellis has all of the STDs you could imagine so if you see this man you must run for your virginity (and your future children)
Ellis winter has a monster cock but has every STD imaginable
Refers to any fraternity member who revives Only dry hand jobs from half way decent looking girls. The spencer usually wears glasses and can be spotted walking around campus with a doucher acoustic guitar. Word on the street is a spencer will eat ass if given the opportunity.
Guy 1: did you hit that last night?
Guy 2: no man I shit the bed and only got the spencer Ellis treatment.
Guy 1: damn that sucks I hate dry hand jobs.
ellie marie is the baddest bitch around town, every room she walks in she gets a guys attention and they want her so bad but she turns them all down bc she don’t need a man
a needy girl who has a short temper and cant take it when shes wrong she will sleep with anyone and everyone slag
picks and chooses her friends and always has to be leader she dumb and short and always switches up quickly also never lets anyone speak
girl proves ellie evans wrong
her im not wrong im never wrong !!!
He’s a fucking cunt. Some people who are called Ellis are decent but most are absolute arseholes. Don’t go near an Ellis. Desperate road man who does weed because his family is broken and vapes coz he finks he’s hard. If he’s fat and bullies people. Get some one to stabbed the crud out that fuck.
“Oi is that Ellis?”
“Gotta shank? Gotta go rip him”
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