The chair emoji (🪑) in slang is most commonly used by Femboys.
Synonyms are
Skull emojis (💀)
Jake: 🪑 (i want to suck cock) Chair emoji in slang
Paul: dude wtf bro we're no longer friends
Jake: 🪑
Used by chronic pain patients to indicate they've been blocked by Andrew Kolodny, the executive director of Physicians for Responsible Opioid Prescribing (PROP.)
Kolodny has an overwhelming habit to misrepresent opioids (saying, for example, that prescription opioids are the problem when in fact it's illicit fentanyl, and ignoring that opioid prescribing has dramatically decreased while ODs continued to increase) as well as chronic pain patients - who he has called 'PR pawns for big pharma,' junkies, etc.
When a chronic pain patient confronts him with factual, sourced corrections to his misinformation, and questions regarding the propaganda - no matter how civil - he will block them and hide the tweet rather than let their voices be represented in a conversation that directly impacts their lives, and ignoring that PROP-pushed propaganda and misuse of CDC guidelines that have led to patients being forcibly tapered and taken off of their medication, including veterans and cancer patients, has led to many suicides amongst those with chronic pain.
CPP1: I got my star emoji today. Kolodny blocked me when I pointed out the CDC spoke out against forced tapering and cutting patients off of pain meds, and said the guidelines were being misused.
CPP2: Yeah, I got mine months ago when I linked research showing that Rx opioids weren't at fault. Welcome to the club.
Zom's Yawning Emoji is more than just a yawning emoji, it's a personality itself. To use it you put "🥱" in your bio
It means you don't care at all and never will about anyone
Zom's Yawning Emoji is long for ZYE
Josh: Hey my grandpa just died im feeling kinda sad
Karlson: Zom's Yawning Emoji
Josh: You're so rude
I added this tomato emoji over a man I’ve been dick riding for a while now. Isn’t it cute?
small ear piercing, used to show what mood the wearer is in
"whats up with that dude having 4 studs in one ear"
"they're just his ear emoji, relax"
One of the best movies ever created. It won a total of 33 oscars and got nominated for a Hugo.
Whats the best movie ever made?
That's easy, it's The Emoji Movie obviously!
you added "my" after emoji to see what would come up
You: This emoji is my emoji
well at least 100 people have used that one