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Third Gender

A member of the Bulgarian "United Patriots" coalition. This gender only mates with other "patriots" of it's kind. They are also against any measures to reduce domestic violence in Bulgaria.

-Why did Valeri Simeonov shut down a night club in Sunny Beach?
- Well I guess he must be a member of the Third Gender.

by BadL3mon January 25, 2018

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Sk8r gender

There are 8 skater genders

1.skater girl(basic sk8r girl/one of the bois)
2.skater boy(basic sk8r boi)
3.skater w no board(Knows how 2 sk8 but has no board)
4.poser skater(has a board but doesn’t know how to sk8)
5.sk9r(epic sk9r)
6.girly skater(technically 10 y/o sk8rs
7.pennyboard skater(Sk8s w a penny)
8.dyslexic skater(doesnt understand sk8rs)

Sk9r @ skate park:”what’s your sk8r gender?”
Other person(poser skater):”uhhh yes?”

by Asphyxiaaaaa May 7, 2020

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Gender Void

Gender N/A

B: Hey girl you lookin' fine today
GV: I'm gender void you asshole
GV: *about face forward march*

by Williamzion September 28, 2016

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Gender Fluid

basically is transgender but they wanted to be special but they dont wanted to be a normal transgenders and them decided to be this shit.

Power:changing it gender wherever time this blob wants.

Protected by the most strong group on earth BuzzFeed(feminists)

Introduced to us rest of priveleged male pigs by BuzzFeed and with other 87 genders

-Hey Bro how going nigga?

-Bro? how dare you i am a girl.

-Alright girly

-GIRLY?what do you mean by that i am a boy you fucking cisgender male pig scum of the earth

i dont want to use it on a sentence because is stupid,gender fluid

by Christo4k47 February 14, 2018

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neutral gender

A person characterized by their lack of sexual organs.

Guy: "We should have sex right now."
Girl: "No I am a neutral gender."
Guy: "What?"
Girl: "See, I ain't got nothin' down there, and ain't nothin' up here...I'm blank"
Guy: "You're a god damn beaver...ewwww"

by ADT June 20, 2007

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Gender Nazi - some one who /those who treat a certain defined gender as not equally human. I.e. women in certain cultures or religions

The observant Jewish man is by definition a Gender-Nazi when he wakes up and prays to his God Adonai/Hashem or Gods Elohim thanking Him for not making him "a woman, a slave, or a pagan" in a derogatory way.

I.e. "That gender Nazi told me I could not join in to sing the joyful Sabbath songs because I was female. I was so humiliated that I never went back to the Rabbis home for another dinner"

by Woman Sang you Lullabies March 30, 2018

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Bi-gender is the gender where you feel you are one day a different gender and you can’t decide so you just use different ones when you feel that gender. It’s a bit like gender fluid but it’s only used with two.

Hi! I am feeling like a non binary today,can you use the pronouns they/them?

(Other person) ok! *sighs* they look awesome today!!! Bi-gender people are so cool!

by Yourlocaldefinitiongiver June 6, 2021

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