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a really bad person they get something and dont give it back and they are not fair most of the time

Heather:hey can i have a toy for a week
me: sure!
*after a month*
me:where is my toy?
Heather:i dont wanna give you it!

by September 15, 2021


Used in Conan Gray's song 'Heather', she is the most popular, pretty and likeable person. Everyone wants to be her. She's perfect.

"You're such a heather"
"She's literally the heather of this school"

by theunknownshoe September 18, 2020


In reference to Conan Gray’s song titled Heather.

The term was popularized by it’s use on the app TikTok, where people often use Conan’s song to describe wishing they were “Heather” (1).

Alternatively, people also use the song and term to showcase the “Heathers” in their lives (2).

1. “Heather” is a person who someone loses their crush to/ who they are chosen second to.

2. “Heather” is also, at the same time, a beautiful person inside and out. So you can’t even really hate “Heather”, despite just losing your love interest to them.

*note: “Heather” is often used in a gender-neutral way. Boys can also be described as “Heathers”, despite it sounding traditionally feminine*

1. He picked a Heather over me.

2. Who do you think our school’s “Heather” is?

by -wish_i_were_heather- August 15, 2020


the term heather comes from a song called “heather” by conan gray BUT being used very wrongly. people are using it as “a pretty girl” but in reality heather is the girl conan’s crush likes and the song is about being the second choice so please stop saying your mom was or you are (i saw a lot of people saying they are their own heather) heather that makes absolutely no sense, thank you.

+look at that girl she’s literally heather
-no you dumb bitch thats not what heather means

by zeynepsdollies August 20, 2020


The best musical every. It is loved by all except for people who are iether stupid or dumb.

That musical was great but not as good as heathers.
Wait you don’t like heathers, leave.

by Lizzie Chadwick April 5, 2019


an amazing song that was ruined by straight tiktok

friend: omg your heather

me: shut thw fuck up you stupid whore you don’t know what heather means so just know that your kneecaps are a privilege for now

by beanie haha lol December 20, 2020


an amazing song that was ruined by straight tiktok

friend: omg your heather

me: shut thw fuck up you stupid whore you don’t know what heather means so just know that your kneecaps are a privilege for now

by beanie haha lol December 20, 2020