when a man and women errr-eee the bed while the women is on her period, the man comes out with a bloody penis
Allison and Ethan were working it hard and when they decided to stop, Ethan had a ketchup covered hotdog
Chase Nelson asking Acus to send him money for hotdogs
Hey acus could you send me some money so I can buy hotdog water?
Bad, as in, negative, referred to in the third person
You heard the CEO of Blizzard got fired?
Yea he was hotdog water, sexual harassment and all that.
hotdog water is whats in bottom feeder carts the worst of the worst. It is pure pesticides and toxic heavy metals. It tastes like chemicals and gorilla ass.
nigga 1: aye bronem you want to hit this
nigga 2: fuck no I aint hittin that hotdog water thats fucking gorilla ass
A wax cartridge that is very oily and looks like hit dog water
Yo that carts wax, that shit some hotdog water
during sex the man goses gets a hotdog bun , musterd, and ketup. then he puts the hotdog bun around his cock. then puts on ketup and musterdon his dick. then the lover eats the stuff of of the partners cock.
bob:gess what.
frank: what
bob: last night i dutch hotdoged ny bitch!!!!!
frank: sweet!!!