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working class

People who work low paying demeaning jobs. They barely make any money and have a hard time making ends meet. They usually end up quitting their low paying job and going on welfare which is a class lower than that.

Sonny's dad couldn't pay to fix his roof because he's working class.

by kieee May 17, 2008

169πŸ‘ 175πŸ‘Ž

Class Beater

This is someone who only masturbates in class because the teacher is so fuckin hot or two girls are messing around when the teacher is gone, but most likely that the person gets hard and feels like they should finifh the job.

"I can't fuckin study whith that kid in the back of the room being a class beater."

by K-DO6 May 24, 2006

12πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

class of 2022

Class of 2022, a large group of egotistical nobody’s that suffer from a severe case of β€œiThinkI’mTheShit” syndrome, if you find a child of the class of 2022 you should return them to their owner.

Me: Hey! What grade are you in?
Class of 2022: I’m currently an incoming freshman!
Me: that’s unfortunate, who diagnosed you?

by Dr.Disrespect June 6, 2018

85πŸ‘ 84πŸ‘Ž

Fluff Class

An easy class with a small work load that counts towards credits.

Can be taken in high school or college.

"Why did you take a shop class?"

"It's just a fluff class, I have so many advanced classes."

"Why didn't you just take an empty hour?"

"I can get some credits with this class."

by Naomi U October 1, 2013

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Grandma Class

1. A class taken by older people often at a college or senior center. It can be anything: exercise, macrome, art, and etc.

2. A class taught by a grandma. Most notably by Mrs. Opal Crankshaft who homeschools her grandson, Nelson, as a substitute teacher for her husband, Earl.

Opal: (coming into the room) Hey Nelson, are you ready for your Grandma Class?

Nelson: (with a shocked expression) What's a Grandma Class?

Opal: Well, its a class that's taught by grandmas. You'll love it, its fun!

Nelson: Where's Grandpa Earl?

Opal: He couldn't be here. He's gone to a Grandma Class of his own at the senior center. I'm his substitute. Come on, let's go get busy. This is gonna rock!!

Nelson: I think I'm going to like this class. I get to hang out with my Grandma!

Opal: Well, grandmas are the best teachers!

by Dusty's Baby Powder January 26, 2011

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Class Meme

Class memes usually occur in the school years of Grade 3 To Grade 10. A class meme is like a meme, but it only makes sense to your class, because it might have something to do with the dudes in your class or something about your class.

Someone in the class: Yo Hansel, are you the Hansel in Hansel and Gretel? LOL!
Hansel: Yes, yes. Hansel of Hansel and Gretel is real.
Someone in the class: We've got a CLASS MEME!

by Krishiv Thakuria October 9, 2019

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


1) The low end "economy" models in the Mercedes Benz automotive lineup.

2) Attempting to give the appearance of power, wealth and success by attaining the least expensive symbols of status. Not necessarily broke, but still posing anyway.

3) Suburban chic.

He took me to the four season, then asked me to order a salad. He's strictly c-class.

by dasmb May 23, 2003

40πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž