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jack with

To "jack with" someone is to tell someone a lie in a way that will make that person believe you. To mess with someone, to pull a person's leg.

The used car salesman jacked with the ignorant teenager.

by SRS August 9, 2004

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Jack is a pussy. He thinks he is hard, but he just isnt, most jack's have a massive head, and alot of them look at little kids because most jack's are nonces. Did you know? 1 in every 3 jack's grow up to be pedophlies?

"mate, did you see jack! He got a boner over my kid!

by Plrrf February 17, 2020

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A boy that talks to lots of girls at once, fake tans and looks orange and is shit at football. Main hobbies- sending pictures of his non-existent abs to girls

Girl 1- he just wanted to use me

Girl 2- he's such a Jack smh

by AnonymousBitch304 March 19, 2017

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A guy who is secretly gay but talks about chicks all the time to cover up. He’s usually a tall guy with big vagina energy. He wants to marry guys and he’s omega gay.

β€œYo did u hear about jack talking to that girl.”
β€œYeah man but he’s actually a Jack; aka homo.”

by 360oogaboogabooga November 21, 2018

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A bitch ass

Jack is a ass

by Bitch wolf February 9, 2018

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He fucks all the bitches and nobody cares. Guys wish he was gay so they could be fucked by him.

Girl1: Man I want to be fucked by Jack!
Girl2: not as much as I do!

by IWishIHadHerpes April 22, 2017

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Jack n' Jack

Masturbating while eating food from Jack in the Box (preferably those shitty tacos.)

James: Hey bro, you doing anything this Saturday?
Julio: Probably gonna get baked and then Jack n' Jack.

by SlapShaft February 5, 2017