Occurs when one comsumes an abundant and diverse amonut of flavors at once. The mulitiude of flavors consumed will be tasted one after another, almost like reciving multiple punches from multiple people.
I shouldn’t have ate 4 jelly beans at once. I’ve been jumped by flavors.
When a group of the opposing political spectrum initiate in bashing your views.
Person:I believe in universal basic income
Group: nope that’s dumb
Group: high fives brochacho
Person: did I just get politically jumped ?
An extremely fat person who jumps either really far or really high
Person 1: dude, how is that fat dude going to win the high jump competition
Person 2: believe me, he is a total blob jump
When a person attempts to plagiarize, imitate, or take credit for the actions or persons of a source.
Nipsey was a real Og and after he died, fake niggas wanted the clout of his wisdoms so they constantly try an body-jump.
Can you please stop flagen you body-jumping ass demon!
Leap frog sex, but in Montana.
I'm sore from all the Buffalo Jumping last night
Someone who prematurly acts. Usually when the person thinks another individual is done with an object and makes it their own or throws it away(etc.) when in fact the individual was not through using the object.
I would have saved my seat if i knew we had Jump-to-it Johnson over here