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Jungle Titz

Someone who loves Deskfans.

That Jungle Titz sure loves her deskfans.

by Enobius December 3, 2020

Jungle Aids

Similar to that of Parkview aids, it is a form of the common cold which attacks your throat and sinuses. It will leave you feeling like pure shit to say the least. Jungle aids was formed in a pool at a fraternity party located in Miami, Fl and has been slowly increasing to a minor pandemic level.

Bro 1: yo did you cawp at the party?

Bro 2: yeah man I did but tbh I think I caught jungle aids. I’m not feeling so hot.

Bro 1: At least it’s not Parkview aids

by Thatsupercooldude5566 July 21, 2021

jungle inferno

The last major Team Fortress 2 update for more than 4 years.

"When was the last major update for TF2?"
"Jungle Inferno?"

by Tf2 is barely alive. January 14, 2022

jungle hockey

Racism term,professional basketball mainly played by black people. Since basketball was invented in africa

Michael jordan is a professional jungle hockey player

by Nick Meadows August 7, 2007

18πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

Jungle Penis

Uncircumcised with the combination of unshaven pubes, reminiscent of the tribal way of the jungle and their uncleanliness

I was taking a shower at the YMCA and I saw this one fool with jungle penis! It was covered with some weird skin and lost in the hair!

by yvanehtnioj December 15, 2008

9πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

jungle fever

Though historically the term implied the sexual attraction of a Caucasian to an African, it has since been more widely used to denote the sexual attraction of an individual from a more expansive set of ethnic origins (e.g., Asian, Indian, Middle Eastern, Latino, or even Aboriginal, etc.) to a person of African (Black) ethnicity. The term has even shifted enough colloquially to commonly include an African who is attracted to a non-African, or merely the attraction of a person from one ethnicity or racial background to a person with a diversely different racial background. It is interesting to note that in several western ideologies it is the Black Africans who are associated with the Jungle; although all people's ancestors originated from the Jungle, possibly because of popular images that stem from associations with classic African slavery in the United States, it has become a common presupposition that the Jungle belongs to Black Africans. This has been exploited negatively and positively by both Black Africans and those who are not Black Africans. What may be even more significant to observe is the phenomenal implication of such an 'urbanly' popular term: it is becoming increasingly common in this age of homogenizing Globalization for some people to be attracted to that which is different, or exotic: This either conscious choice/ or subconscious instinct could result in the mutation or evolution of the Homo sapiens species. (Good or bad depending on the reader's ideology).


Crescent: "Hey, so is Mike taking you to the Valentine's extravaganza?"

Abigail: "No, (bastard). He's taking Shamiqua."

Crescent: "Ope--! junGLE... FEEEEVVVVAAAA....!"


A-Hoff: "Dude, that biznizeyach ain't even sexy in the slightest. Why you let her tickle your booty?"

Bo-Bo Nuts: "I just don't know, bull-balls. I just don't know. It's like she has a spell on me. When ever I'm around her I just feel like time stops."

A-Hoff: "Hoo hoo, hoo.... JuGLE FEEEEVVVVAAAA!!!"

by Che Boludo March 6, 2010

154πŸ‘ 275πŸ‘Ž

Spanish Jungle

A phrase used by someone who is perplexed, but cannot find the right curse words to express their anger.

John - "Honey, I think it is time we see other people"
Jane - "Urgh!! Spanish Jungle!"

by C.P.C. September 10, 2010

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