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Triggered Liberal

a person who is so angry and distraught over Donald Trump winning the us presidential election that all they can do is make fun of it by calling him a Cheeto or Hitler.

look at that triggered liberal making fun of the president

by chillmac March 3, 2017

43πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

stupid liberal

Someone with the opinion of regulation of happiness through use of the tax code. Regulating rewards and punishments based on what ever point of view they do or don’t agree with

A stupid liberal would say "We don't like that so we will tax you for it."

by Michael Hansen March 18, 2006

377πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž


Neoliberalism refers to a political-economic philosophy that has had major implications for government policies beginning in the 1970s and increasingly prominent since 1980– that de-emphasizes or rejects government intervention in the economy, focusing instead on structured free-market methods, and fewer restrictions on business operations and that the most important class of rights to expand are those of property enforcement, and of opening nations to entry by multinational corporations. In a broader sense it is used to describe the movement towards using the market to achieve a wide range of social ends previously filled by government.
It is generally hostile to protectionism, social democracy and socialism. It is often at odds with fair trade and other movements that argue that labor rights and social justice should have a greater priority in international relations and economics.

A stark contrast to the earlier entry.

The Democrats in America are nothing more than a bunch of Neo-liberals, and the Republicans are freaking Neo-cons!

by Risky Stuff January 8, 2006

281πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž

liberal locusts

United States: People who are either registered as Democrats or espouse liberal and leftist values (i.e. thinking gun control is going to stop mass shootings, higher taxes, defunding the police, supporting riots, supporting sanctuary cities and giving financial assistance to illegal immigrants, wasteful government spending, etc.). These people tend to no longer like the state they live in (or the region of the state they live in) either because of the results after they made disastrous liberal votes and elected terrible liberal politicians that have ruined the area in which they live or because they have caused others to leave the area because of the demands they have made on either the cities or the state in which they live leaving it a shell of its former self (See San Francisco, Seattle, Detroit, Baltimore, etc.) Upon realizing this uninhabitable living situation, they then fly off to other states or regions to only repeat their disastrous liberal voting and implementation of leftist policies that destroyed the places from whence they came.

Texan seeing a new neighbor: "How y'all doing? I see you just moved in across the street. Where y'all from? Maybe I can show you around and we can go to the local range to fire off a few rounds."
New neighbor: "Nice to meet you. We're from California. Thanks but no thanks on the offer to go "shooting", we don't believe people should be walking around with guns; citizens don't need guns which lead to mass shootings - that's why we have police!"
Texan: You Liberal Locusts make me fucking sick. Kindly leave Texas and go back to California!

by BerkBiggler September 11, 2020

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Latte Liberal

An financially comfortable person who claims to support liberal causes, then acts completely different.

latte liberals disapprove of school vouchers for kids in poorly run urban schools yet take their children to private schools, therefore avoiding the problems of public schools. Protesting the war in Iraq, yet support Tibet freedom from China, which would be even more bloodier

by Hepziba9 January 10, 2009

208πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

classical liberalism

a political philosophy perpetuating free-market economics, minimalist government, strong private property rights, non-interventionism, government disinvolvement in social issues, separation of church and state, and open borders. the word "liberal" was originally associated with these beliefs, but liberals eventually started promoting large government, closed markets, redistribution of wealth, and high government involvement in social issues. today, liberal is associated with the latter qualities. the newer liberals are sometimes identified as neo-liberals. in modern day, a classical liberal tends to self-identify as a libertarian, and the term classical liberal is used much less than it was 100-200 years ago. some libertarian causes, like the Mises institute, still commonly use the term.

harry, who perpetuates classical liberalism, votes either republican or libertarian.

by toSTONEiGO March 20, 2012

116πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


1.Guity rich white people who think that by showing up at a rally they will be free of all their guilt for being white.
2.People who think that a doctor and garbage man should make the same amount of money a week.
3.A college professor who preffers to indoctrinate instead of teach, by spreading his own agenda.
4.People who infiltrated the Democratic Party because they know that no one will vote for them if they had their own.
5.People who are intolerant of other political views.
6.People that claim to be "liberal" but they are not.

Fuck liberals, they are afraid of introducing their children to any relegion and having them make their own decision on whether they will like to beleive in god or not.
Putting prefexis on people, such as
"African American" or "Chinese American" and preventing from everybody being an American.

by Let's be Americans April 19, 2009

597πŸ‘ 116πŸ‘Ž