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The Black Market

Ways 2 buy drugs and #other stuff

I got drugs at the black market

by XBeastPlayzX January 10, 2017

Light market

The market of selling yourself knowingly, unlike the commonly known dark where identities are stolen.

This refers to clout chasers purposely putting half nude photos then acting as if the world is taking advantage of them, when in fact its themselves.

“Dude you seen this girls onlyfans? “
“Yeah she on on the light market.”

by Johnious Thibious August 2, 2022

close the market

Get married

I think I found the one. Im ready to close the market.

by PokitoDaKing June 6, 2017

Market capitalist system

It is a system that is free without much government intervention and promotes wealth creation based on the vagaries of the market

When there is no government running then the market capitalist system exists

by Ziad K Abdelnour September 18, 2018

big market

The place where there are rows of shops

Am off to the big market al see you soon...

Where is the big market ect

by Big market February 11, 2016

Maastrichtse cheese market

The Maastrichtse cheese market is a sexual technique where two men (or any other genders that have penile genitalia) touch penis tips, where preferably their foreskins touch like a Chinese finger trap. Their dickcheese will then be allowed to transfer from one person to the other, accomplishing a "cheese trade" as they do in the Dutch cheese market in Maastricht, The Netherlands.

Yesterday evening, me and my boyfriend tried the Maastrichtse cheese market. My penis got infected the day after.

by Animeism March 24, 2022


something dementor13 is not

dementor13 is not marketable

by stickyuh April 3, 2024