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PIB Movie

The acronym for Play In Background Movie. A movie that is played but not given much attention while doing other tasks.

Hey can someone put a pib movie on? I need to do some homework.

by mymanstan21 May 10, 2016

ip movie

Intellectual property movie

The actor stated, he wouldn't be doing any more IP movies because people like to pause media- unlike in a theater.

by BaldEgo131 December 16, 2021

movie devil

A person who looks up the plot of a show or movie while watching, thus ruining the surprises and plot twists.

Shannon Hess is such a movie devil, she is always trying to find out the plot before the movie is over.

by Tomelly June 17, 2017

Robot Movie

A movie, normally with high production value that centers around some random guy finding a robot or other thing and builds a bond with it. Then he find's out that the owner wants it back and action ensues. Most of these movies have the same plot just a different robot or setting.

Todd: Hey do you wanna go see that robot movie that just came out?

Rob: No they're basically all the same movie...

by ThCtzer August 4, 2018

movie poverty

When a character in a film/tv show has little to no income, yet lives in a place that would cost them thousands of dollars in real life. This also applies to material possesions i.e. a character driving a brand new car whilst working as a bouncer at a local bar. The phrase was originally coined by TJ Kirk a.k.a. The Amazing Atheist.

Person 1: How does Patrick Swayze's character in Road House afford a Mercedes solely by working as a doorman?
Person 2: He suffers from movie poverty bro.

by HotPcktz July 27, 2017

Emoji movie

Movie which Sony made for free Ebola .
If you wanna die,you are free to suicide while the you watch the film. (disclaimer:30 f#@'ing min of dancing emoji and one of them wants to die)

John: Wanna hear a joke?
Mike: OK
John: Emoji movie

by Dottodottodottodotoo August 26, 2017

Outcast movie

It's a movie where Nicolas Cage stars in along with Hayden Christensen. Noted for his bad accent (Nicolas Cage)

I saw a trailer for Nicolas Cage's Outcast movie. His accent was so over the top it made me laugh

by Suklaa January 9, 2017