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down to cuck fam, date me

a more rad sentence for asking someone if they want to have sex with their boyfriend/girlfriend then asking them to date him/her

Random guy : Down to cuck fam, date me
Random guy 2 : Umm you want me to have sex with your gf or you want to date?
Random guy : Down to cuck fam, date me
Random guy 2: Fuck off

by Pogabear December 27, 2016

fam spreading

When a family or group of friends spreads out in a walkway so that others cannot pass them.

Oh great, another family is fam spreading, now we have to walk slowly behind them.

by BirchJulius December 15, 2020

booger fam

a group of 4 bitches that like to talk shit about everyone and everything

person 1 “yo did you see booger fam today?”

by whagfyhenwnha October 21, 2022

Smoked Fam

Ok, so Smoked Fam is a Streets Group that is way better than this ass group called "YOULOSE". Another thing is, it has A LOT of admin abuse whereas they mute some mad lads. Overall, this is the best Streets Group.

Smoked Fam muted NiggaSpacedGod 4+ times!

by PRIVATE ENCOUNTERS October 4, 2020

aww im sorry fam

when ur trying to be thirsty/a good friend but u can’t decide

B: my arm fell off and now my gf is cheating on me with my pastor
G: aww im sorry fam

by butimnotbitter February 10, 2018

we fam

It’s a way of saying you’re cool with someone

“My professor didn’t mark me absent even though I came in class 45 minutes late. We fam.”

by KietKatz November 22, 2017

Fams Got Bongers

A male Who Has boobs

Fams Got Bongers

by nonononononononoo November 16, 2019