A man or young boy with an exceptionally small penis, and too afraid to commit to sexual relationships because of the embarrassment.
My new boyfriend is such a Jared petrilli, he cant even stick it in my vajay jay
Person 1: Who’s that bald guy over there ?
person 2: that’s obviously Jared Dixon.
Person 1: Who’s that bald guy over there ?
Person 2: That’s obviously Jared Dixon.
A dude with issues who likes to threaten to cut people and is actually cool. He likes to start fights and hang with friends.
jared is the most amazing person in the world. although he would say somethings that are a bit perverted but is actually hilarious because he does it to make people laugh. you will be very lucky to meet or be around Jared mostly because he makes people left and is very loved by others. everywoman is dying to be around him but are very shy to show emotion in anyway.
Jared is a sexy ass beast
1. Hey have you seen Jared?
2. Yeah he was just driving in a Lamborghini
1. Damn he is so cool i wish he was my friend