something that is fun to mess around with in sandbox video games
"I just dropped a nuke a city in my video game, it was so much fun"
What you get for getting 20 kills in a row without respawning on CODM and 30 kills on BOCW or MW
Guy plays CODM and his opponent got 20 kills in a row: Oh shit! I'm getting nuked in my face man!
What China is sending to the US right now.
What is that nuke light... OH SHI-
a word for throwing something in the microwave. people who use nuke in this way are not funny at all
A: this pizza is too cold, how long did you put it in for?
B: if you want i can nuke it again.
A: what the fuck is wrong with you
When you have 25 friendrequests on a social media website and you decline all of them
"Dude i got a nuke on facebook!"
A nuke is a female that is bougie but also have sum ratchet to or she either grow up Inna hood and became a better person an is bougie but still have the ratchet to her when it time to turn up
February-23-21 Tahnaysia louisjean.