When it is extremely cold outside
Girl: "Ya want to go sledding?"
Guy: "Nah b. It's og brick out"
Another day, another victory for the ogs, taking down the sweats, the imposter in among us!
RHM: "Let's go! we won the match, we're actually the best trio fr"
Nae Nae: "Another day, another victory for the ogs, taking down the sweats, the imposter in among us!
Ollie Mollie: ...ok buddy
a insult to a person and his/her parents in norwegian.
stating that your mom is a man, your dad is gay and that you are an adopted transgendered person.
boy: mor di e så feit at hun må betale for tre seter på kinoen.
your mom is so fat that she has to pay for three seats at the theatres/cinemas.
joker: mor di e mann far din e homo og du e ein adoptert transe.
your mom is a man, your dad is gay and you are a adopted trans.
Only the elite interlects... Plus Ryan obviously. No man will ever fall over as much as Rory, no man will ever be as disappointing as Ryan and no woman will ever make such a mistake that Amber has not already made worse of. At this point, it's kinda dying but the lasting memory needs to be kept, for Batty's sake at a bare minimum. Liv will never be missed, but our memes will never be outperformed... Our legacy lives on forever! Also, we have Ellie, bc why not?!
Damn, I miss OG English Gang with Miss Armes... Those were the days!!
Aj loftin also ogmakeweinerwhip=nerdneck
Og makeweinerwhip is a nerdneck that still plays fortntie
basicly two 8 year olds youtube video
hey dude did you see natur og bullshit
yea man best movie ever
An awesome memer annoying loud Jeffy is an og memer Simone that eats Hershey eggies