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Ohio Shovel

The act of which you take a shit on the floor and grab your mate by the ankles like a wheelbarrow race and make them scoop it up with their tongue.

Hey baby I've got to shit, so do you wanna try the Ohio Shovel?

by Just a Random Guy April 2, 2015

Ohio creatures

1. Be aware of ohio creatures.

They mostly appear at night, kidnapping you to the motel.

Ohio Creatures are dangerous that appear only at the Ohio night.

by Oh1o짱깨 January 18, 2023

berea ohio

one of the best citys ever! it is a great place where jsut about everyone knows everyone else. you might get robbed, as i did, but that was only a one time thing and wont happen again. home of BW college and home of "Home Town Heroes", (rip)"amputeens", "lime green submarne" and other bands that sound cool. you should not come checkout my city b/c locals ONLY!

Berea Ohio is the greatest city in ohio.

by rc hammer September 25, 2007

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Springfield Ohio

Lots of free family oriented events. Lots of parks and recreation! History is plenty! Beautiful homes! Great people that come together as a community!

Springfield Ohio rocks!

by DRH ME December 8, 2017

11πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


A place where everyone is either a hoe, slut, fuckboy or crazy. Happy and innocent people are rare

Have you even seen Elida,ohio? That shits wack

by ttubeldoonssim November 27, 2017

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logan ohio

Some shit hole in South east Ohio I think? No clue, never googled it. But I do know its full of bad memories and false hopes. It seems every guy in Logan's name is Cliff. They just add "nots" to the front of them based on pecking order. "Hey Karen, have you seen not not Cliff?" Anyways, just don't go there. If you do, say high to Cliff for me. I know this girl Danielle that will show you her boobs for a pack of menthol cigarettes. Holler at your boy -Chris

Me: Yo Sarah I heard they came looking for you in Logan Ohio the other day?
Sarah: Word
Me: Bust it

by Lisamarshall420 October 16, 2018

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Ohio πŸ’€

OhioπŸ’€ is a state in the Midwestern region of the United States. It became a meme among Internet users in late 2022, after the Detroit πŸ’€ meme died out.

Because of its obscurity, Ohio πŸ’€ has been subject to many jokes and taunts. Many of you reading this probably couldn't point to Ohio πŸ’€ on a map. This has led to many people taking strange events and images and saying that it's, "from Ohio πŸ’€". Most of these strange events and images seem to be from some obscure, isolated place, which is why people say that it's, "from Ohio πŸ’€".

Just like Australia, (which has had its own share of memes), Ohio πŸ’€ and its inhabitants are thought to be the stranges things on this planet.

Can't have sh*t in Ohio πŸ’€.

by ParallaxAstro December 5, 2022

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