Source Code

Revenge Bombing

The act of spawning a plane in the game War Thunder and intentionally bombing the enemy tank who previously killed you.

The new battlepass task requires you to get 30 eye for metals. There will be a massive uptick in revenge bombing.

If you are playing against the United States in War Thunder. Expect alot of revenge bombing.

by yourdonefor November 29, 2021

Post nut revenge

Reciving a blowjob from a chick who rejected you

Damn u got rejected?!?

It’s cool I got post nut revenge

by November 2, 2021

Poseidon’s revenge

When you shit and the toilet water bounces back

Oh my god, i just had a Poseidon’s revenge

by toddyschmeckles November 24, 2024

Odin Revenge

When you have a girl in doggy style, she must have pig tails in her hair, you grab the pig tails like handle bars on a motorbike. As you pull the pig tails like your accelerating you thrust faster and faster, you cannot stop until you’ve fully lubricated your ride

I had a girl over last night and we had fun trying the Odin revenge, she never smiled as much

by thetruelion August 6, 2022

Mahatma's Revenge

Traveller's diarrhea obtained while travelling in the Indian Subcontinent.

May also refer to diarrhea that inevitably occurs from eating Indian food in the rest of the world.

See Montezuma's Revenge for its Mexican Equivalent.

"Mom wanted to enjoy her vacation in Goa , but she spent most of her trip sharting over a hole in the ground, a victim of Mahatma's Revenge."

"I used to love eating from the buffet at Taj Palace, but every time I go there I get Mahatma's Revenge, and I end up projectile diarrheaing my rogan josh and saag paneer all over the bedspread."

by Greasers Stay Gold February 12, 2024

Zeus's Revenge

After finding out your significant other has been cheating on you, and you're having intercourse(preferably from behind), take your two fists together creating a power fist and slam it down on their spine. As the spinal fluid leaks from every hole in their body use it as lube to continue going.

My dumb wife was cheating on me so I enacted Zeus's Revenge.

by DumbFxck April 18, 2024

Tommy’s Revenge

When you put your dick in a girls Vagina and she pees on it

I heard Joey’s girl Tommy’s Revenged him

by Icevest July 7, 2024