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Roblox Filter

A stupid filter that roblox has which hashtags almost half the words in the english language, the filter keeps getting worse and worse every year until the point you can't type the letter 'a'.

Person #1 : Hey ###### ### ##### #### ok?

Person #2 : Yeah sure # #### play ########### with ####.

Roblox Filter is a stupid way of making words invisible for younger 5-12 roblox kids.

by ThoniS July 7, 2017

111πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

roblox slender

what happens when you drink and smoke while pregnant

β€œDrinking and smoking wont affect my child”
little do they know their kid will be a roblox slender

by the random idiot December 26, 2022


A ghetto version of Minecraft that every 9 year old has. It tends to glitch out and impossible to complete a game.

Billy: Just got ROBLOX

Sally: Shut the fuck up billy you’re gay

by A wise motheref**ker January 7, 2018

2πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Roblox Girlfriend

A girl who you breaks up with and then hear you uncle crying downstairs.

Bobby broke up with his Roblox Girlfriend and heard his uncle crying in the basement.

by Gacha Nacho May 7, 2019

265πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Roblox Tiktoks

Roblox Tiktokidus (or RT-20) is common disorder that develops around ages 8-10 and worsen by ages 14-16. Any children with access to Roblox and TikTok (and don't have a father around) are extremely vulnerable. Keep your friends and family older than 9 away from the internet for about 6 months to - forever.

Symptoms include:
A desire for muscles and stitching your fucking face shut
20 different hair items on
Acting 10 years older than the victim's actual age
(Common in age 12) The lie of "Wanna get drunk and nasty"

Vaccines for this disease have not yet been produced, but are being worked on as you read this.
This is not to hate, this is to treat. The vaccine creators have named the vaccine Treatimigun. Treat the patient, and if it doesn't work, gun.

Person 1: Hey, how is your child handling the Roblox Tiktoks disorder?
Person 2: (Shows Person 1 one of the victim's tiktoks)
"wAnNa GeT dRuNk AnD nAsTy!!!!
WiLl yOu Be My BbG????????? ;)"

Person 1: . . . Mary, it's time. I'll even pay for the euthanizing appointment!

by A Simple Idiot Was Taken November 18, 2021

25πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

roblox slender

an absolute dunkass and a useless grub to humanity

plr1: hi

23kdunkass: mic up kid i get all the roblox cnp on my dick

plr1: *mics up and the dunkass roblox slender is a squeaker*

*friend joins*


by dat_ May 25, 2021

173πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Roblox Corporation

A corporation that sued Ruben Sim for exposing their worker for following a nsfw furry account

Roblox Corporation: you have forfeited your life privileges, ruben sim C:<

by woolf🦊 January 1, 2022