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russian avalanche

When a guy cums on a girls face, and then pushes her down the stairs.

Doctor: Now Miss Snow, how did you break your wrist?
Girl: I got caught in a Russian Avalanche!

by when_i_am_home_alone_i_like_to December 29, 2015

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Russian Lady

A nickname for funny and amusing girls

man, she's so funny, she must be a russian lady

by lady mamun December 11, 2016

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russian crabcake

1. When a man rubs vodka on his balls then has a woman suck it off.

I gave Julie a Russian Crabcake last night. It was great but my balls were on fire from the vodka!

by Meeeow12 April 17, 2016

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Russian spitfire

The act of making love to the stoma (hole) of a person who has gotten a tracheotomy. In order to be considered a Russian spitfire, you must be upside down while taking this love hole to pound town and simultaneously penetrating lung, slapping balls to chin, and getting your salad tossed.

After she took a drag off her cigarette, she said "I want you to fuck my breather pipe." I said "baby, I'm gonna give you the best Russian spitfire that you've ever had!"

by Manimal33 June 18, 2013

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Russian Paintball

Instead of using paintballs, Russians use real ammo dipped in red paint and shoot each other for fun.

YO Nicolai lets go play russian paintball and get fucked up.

by habs218 January 13, 2012

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russian firefuck

To coat a mans dick in gasoline, and proceed to light it on fire during sex.

Jake Russian firefucked Misha last night so hard she had to go to the hospital.

by Russian firefucker December 24, 2016

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russian bot

Sadly what the media labels innocent libertarians/conservatives online to silence them. Our times are regressing to new forms of unjustified persecution never seen before. Wake up folks. The great culling online has begun. Who's going to stand up to the media and silicon valley regime?

Reporter walks up to old lady conservative.... 'Did you know you are a Russian bot"

Lady: no I am not.

Reporter: but it shows on your Facebook that you support the 2nd amendment and have a distrust in the media as well as believe in small government.

Lady: excuse me? Are trying to false label me into silence?

Reporter: well the Russians control your Facebook page and we believe you colluded with them.

Lady: my family fought for free speech. Let's have a war with YOU the media and companies silencing conservatives.

by NOT GOING TO TAKE IT February 23, 2018

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