A name you give a person so u can insult them when a teacher/authoritative figure is in the area.
Hey shaft noggen get over here.
When a series of unfortunate events has befallen someone, and they have reached the pit of the abyss that is their life... and someone does something to remind them of what a failure they are...
After the Tyrannosaurus Rex has stormed and laid waste to Jurassic Parks main compound:
Dr Grant - "Mr Hammond, after careful consideration, I've decided not to endorse your park" - The final shaft
When someone forwards an email, meant for their eyes only, to a third party who is then pissed off at the author of said email. The author is then e-shafted.
Billy, why did you forward that email to the boss? You really e-shafted me!
A frozen shaft is where you carefully craft a penis and balls from packable snow and place it somewhere creative, such as, on a mailbox or fence.
Someone put a frozen shaft on the hood of my car and It didn’t fly off til I got to the highway. After a good laugh I continued to feel guilty about my white privilege.
when a man whafts the air from his shaft to his nose in order to smell it's cleanliness
Phil got in from work and was wondering if he needed a shower... after a quick whaft shaft he realised he actually needed bleach
The whaft of air from a males genitalia to his nose in order to smell it's cleanliness
Wife "hey honey do you need to take a shower before we go out?"
Husband "left me do a quick whaft shaft so I can assess the situation"
Two guys that are in a bromance that repress their sexual energy for each other.
Aran and James are such shaft brothers! They should just fuck already!