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Downingtown Slam

The act of body slamming during live shows. It's not moshing as it is basically a glorified shoving match. Only 10 or 15 kids will partake while others have a fear of being demolished. So named because of the type of 'moshing' during broken ritual shows, a band originating from Downingtown.

Dude 1: 'Hey man, wanna mosh?'

Dude 2: 'I prefer Downingtown Slamming'

by downingtownslammer June 20, 2009

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Slam a dirty

When you have sex with someone and they give you an Sti or STD.

Friend 1: I hooked up with that girl last night. I think I got something.
Friend 2: Bro, did you slam a dirty?

by Ospaulito April 28, 2019

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To attack someone with bodily force and a reckless disregard for one's own safety. Alternatively, to forcefully sift through a garbage receptacle in search of foodstuffs.

"Good God, Chuck really hobo-slammed that guy at the bar. I'm not sure who took more damage."
Alternative use: "Sorry, I can't go out tonight, I wanna Hobo-Slam a couple dumpsters outside the grocery store. I'm hoping I can get some of that sea bass the wife likes."

by Orsom Thane November 10, 2018

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monster slam

1 (v.) the act of taking a huge dump (sometimes refered to as a "Mason slam").
2 (n.) a giant pile of feces.

1. Stop at the next gas station, I have to take a monster slam.
2. The monster slam clogged the bathroom toilet.

by Mason Bonar February 7, 2006

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dandy slammed

Drunken sex outside during fireworks followed by a breakfast date. Bonus points if it's at Fourth of July.

After the picnic, I totally dandy slammed her. Good omelet, too.

by Adub74 November 23, 2014

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When you meet some so so girl on tinder and she says this to you, you have to oblige...

My dude, bro this girl hit me up on tinder and said "slam-me" so I did.

by Pluto2334 April 23, 2018

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angle slam

The finisher of Olympic Gold Medalist and WWE Hall of Famer Kurt Angle, in which he picks them up and puts them on his shoulders sideways and falls backwards and slams them on their back

"Angle just hit Shane Mcmahon with the Angle Slam

by Bork Laser 2.0 June 6, 2017

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