A social prostitute is someone who is well known and is friends with many clients. The origin of the word comes from sex workers who work the corner. Prostitutes are people who can be picked up by anyone, anywhere, and for a low cost. This differs from a social escort who only have high end clients (only certain groups of people that they will associate with) and will not negotiate on lowering their price.
Ryan Bedell has talked to three people just on his way to the bathroom. How does he even know so many people? He is such a social prostitute!
Someone that constantly moves from one social circle or clique to another.
He's moved thru four different squads on two years, what a social nomad.
Having social aptitude is being able to socialize easily.
He had good social aptitude which led to a more successful political career.
A Nation Devoted to upholding both societal norms and public work programs.
From what few examples exist, it could also refer to a state under foreign influence or in decline
After the Italian Armistice in September of 1943, the German Army invaded Northern Italy and installing Benito Mussolini as head of the new 'Italian Social Republic
(v.) The act of using covert operations to isolate someone from their friendship group(s) and turn their allies against them, usually as a form of punishment.
"I'm sorry!"
"You will be, when I social nuke you!"
"Do you remember that time you social nuked me? And I lost all my friends and it was awful?"
"I'm sorry! You were asking for it!"
commiting an act or acts that alienates one from their social scene or social circle
to kill one's social life
John commited social suicide by asking out his ex-girlfriends best friend barely a week after they broke up.
Veronica is commiting social suicide by talking behind her friends backs.
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Some people think this means that a person is just socially awkward. THEY ARE WRONG!!!!!
This means a person is sooooooo social, it becomes awkward...
You: You're sooooo socially awkward.
Me: Actually im awkwardly social...
You: So you're actually social, but it's beyond the average humanoid's perception capacity?
Me:..... you know it
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