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Zambezi Steamer

A bowel movement of great intensity brought on by the over consumption of spicy food.

Usually a slow building and contemplative process that crescendoes into the birthing of a mighty feculence.

So pungent, fervid and sultry is the defecation process that it steams up the entire bathroom to a state reminiscent of the dank and humid jungles of Central African flood plain of the Zambezi River.

Uncle Deepak just dropped a Zambezi Steamer and flattened the upstairs bathroom. We must open all the windows and evacuate the house quickly!

by HOSSBROOKLYN May 11, 2023

Captain Steamer

The process of making stool in a cup and heating it in the microwave and pouring it upon someone

Dude i totally Captain Steamer ed her last night

by blaizacake February 28, 2012

Dutch Steamer

When you're taking a hot shower and you fart, causing all the steam from the hot shower to basck you in your own bodily stench.

Dude, I was totally taking a shower and I gave myself a Dutch Steamer

by Boatdock2018 October 25, 2018

raspberry steamer

When you have sex with a girl on her period while in a sauna.

Yeah, it was snowing at the lodge, so we stayed inside and I gave her a raspberry steamer.

by JukeBoxBandit February 6, 2020

Lannister Steamer

When a guy asks his sister to urinate and defecate on him during a sexual act

Termed by the famous u/P4intsplatter

Im so nervous about asking my sister to conduct the ‘ok Lannister Steamer on my while my girl runs out.

by SteelCityHands June 16, 2022

Glove Steamer

A fisted vagina after a hot steamy shower.

Susie -"Jimmy, why are your hands warm and wet?"
Jimmy-"Oh Susie, I had them in the ol' Glove steamer."

by BroCafe September 23, 2017

Cleveland Steamer

Name of a gourmet steamed hotdog at Nate's in Calgary. Kinda like a Michigan but with fried onions.

Hey buddy, want to go grab a Cleveland steamer?

by calgaryboy February 9, 2013

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