Source Code

Support Sock

The sock someone with a micropenis uses to make themselves look better endowed.

"Oh man, I can't wear a speedo! I forgot my support sock!!!!"

by Nunyabizynas March 6, 2019

Support hate

Support hate is when people congratulate or support you in your achievements but behind your back their really wishing for your down fall.

Ashley : I just finished my Bachelors Degree in Engineering I'm so relieved.

Friend : Oh I'm so proud of you.

Also same friend to somebody else : I don't know why she's always showing off. I can't stand her.

Support Hate

by June 26, 2024

IDSL(I dont support lgbtq)

IDSL stands for I dont support lgbtq is a nicer way to say respecting-homophobe you dont say slurs he doesnt harass/bully anyone you dont discriminate etc

homosexual man: Are you homophobic? if soo banned
Straight man: Nope I am IDSL(I dont support lgbtq)

by Alfadsui April 26, 2024

support life

Support life is knowing you are the most important person on your team. You have given everything for your team and they have not even noticed your efforts. You are poor for them, you die for them. Then they call you noob because you died. Typically applies to MOBA games but applies to any game where the games score screen will not accurately convey that players contribution. Often used as a hashtag

I put all my gold into saving that guys life and he wants to report me as a feeder, thats support life

by BigMonMulgrew August 5, 2017

(insert politician here) supporter

Someone who thinks their favorite politician is the best one in the world. Their politician can do no wrong and anyone who supports anyone else is a dumbass racist redneck twig boy idiot

Guy 1: who’s your favorite politician?
Guy 2: I’m kind of an (insert politician here) supporter.
Guy 1: Whoa what are you talking about?

by Boom stick August 9, 2019

gravponics support hook

A support hook on a gravponics system is called a gravponics support hook

When talking about a support hook on a gravponics system. There is only one word to describe it. It is called a gravponics support hook. It is a hook on a gravponics system that supports the gravponics system. Youre a moron if you reject this definition. Dont be a moron.

by doublestandarddems April 28, 2013

Emotional support dinosaur

Someone who you depend on who is taller than you, someone you can trust, someone who you want to make sure is safe, someone who keeps you stable

“They are my emotional support dinosaur.”

I’m their emotional support dinosaur.”

by TheScottishQueen September 16, 2021