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go back to the trailer park you came from

go back to the trailer park you came from a way to call someone trailer trash and they should go back to the trailer park they came from

my old girlfriend tried to get back with me i told her to go back to the trailer park you came from

by bluebear February 27, 2020

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trailer smart

Possessing the creativity to solve any problem while using the minimum possible materials, cost, and regard for safety.

Bob didn't have a long enough ladder to get up on the roof of his house, so he lashed two ladders together with rope to make a long one. He's trailer smart.

by gee_ January 23, 2012

Trailer Park Side Show

A group of individuals in a social setting that tend to travel much like pack animals. They tend to have lower than average IQ's, and exhibit behaviors much like one would see at a circus side show. This group can be comprised of both males and females.

It was an awesome party until the "Trailer Park Sideshow" arrived.....

"she arrived with her boyfriend and the rest of the Trailer Park Side Show"

by Rawkstar Mousai September 13, 2013

trailer park marriage

Also known as common law marriage where two shitheads claim they’re married all over and tell people they’re married but they’re not

Leona told everyone her and Carl were married but after Carl died Leona couldn’t take possession of his house because the state didn’t recognize trailer park marriage

by MrYellowTeeth47 April 28, 2024

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trailer recycling

A fancier version of trailer trash.

He hasn't reached the trailer trash potential...yet, therefore he is trailer recycling.

by That Kentucker September 5, 2017

Trailer Park Diamonds

Crack rocks you can buy at the trailer park.

You see Jimmy heading over to Crazy Eyed Donnies place? He must be picking up some Trailer Park Diamonds with all the twitchin.

by Bundy_in_Chilton June 4, 2023

trailer movies

I wont bother then, I hate trailer movies

trailer movies

by yido1007 November 12, 2010