thanos (mostly known as the anus) is a pruple, big grape with nut sack chin. He has two beautiful daughters (i srsly dont understand how he has kids) and has a big rusty, basball mit. His mission is collect alllllll the beautiful pebbles so he can control the rock conventions he attends to. He is a horrible dad (considering he pulls one apart and kills the other for a pebble). he is T H E A N U S
"Hey, did you hear the new supervillian?"
"Oh yeaaaa huh, Isn't he thanos (aka. the anus)? he looks like a mishappen grape!"
"*gasp* i thought the same!!!
Thanos, a purple skinned buff and stripes chin dude from the Marvel Cinematic Universe doing gaming in his house.
What games does he play? Who knows
A purple banana with Thanos' big beautiful chin on it
Hey! look at that thanos banana! I really wanna eat it!