stuff so good yer high wizard Harry.
sorry I'm high right now
hey man
weeed ha
good bud
Term used to describe Troye Sivan and his "best friend" (aka: boyfriend) Jacob Bixenman. Troye tries to dig himself out of these assumptions by calling them both "good mates," though he's only buring himself deeper into the LIES.
Troy Bolton: troye and jacob are platonic dude pal, bros. :)
jakob bixieman: yeah, they're "good mates".
Used to describe somebody who is very based, good, or just super epic in general.
I’m a good bean
Another way of calilng someone your bitch
Person 1: Hey, can you get me that over there
Person 2: Sure
Person 3: Good Reek
v. - exceeding in skill at the sport of Tennis.
Example 1:
Terry: Hey Kevin, would you want to hit the courts tonight?
Kevin: Unfortunately Terry I'll have to pass. I can't tennis good, I cnt reed, and on top of that I have a big report due tomorrow!
Example 2:
Roger Federer can Tennis good.
A good ho is someone (not just females) who knows what's up. They are cute but are secretly a ho.
Emily seems innocent cause she's a good ho.
My boyfriend is such a good ho.
A woman who gets all the men. A good goose gets the gander.
She's a good goose. She gives good beak.