Source Code


Michael Jackson Bait.

Detective- Maybe, if we get enough children, we can finally catch Michael Jackson once and for all!
Random Officer- But sir, Michael Jackson has been dead for years now.
Detective- So we get more children to lure his ghost in!
Random Officer 1- Are you fuckin’ nuts or what

by thecodie December 29, 2022


When you get drunk

"Why did I have a children?"

by CUTE ANIME GIRLS November 10, 2018


children is a plural word

these children are tasty children is child plural

by grandmastinkslol September 14, 2021


Absolute abominations. If you see these things running across the street, give them a light little kick that will send them across the universe. If you don't have enough strength to do this, you can strangle them with your bear hands. If you see anyone that likes to take care of children, report them to the police and have them sentenced to life in prison, or the death sentence.

Person1: Hey look! it's a group of children!
Person2: What are you waiting for? Go kill them already!!

by TyreseGamingTV February 4, 2023


the best food in the city. only found in the finest places: basements, parks, schools, and near pipe bombs.

I know a fine place to eat some juicy children!~ pablos cellar.

by SnakePiy January 3, 2024


Spawns form Satan himself.

Children . A trigger word.

by The simpo June 8, 2021


Something that many people like including Jimmy savel belle and other people

They are annoying 5 year old running around screaming I love fortnite and doing fortnite dances

People that dad's get milk for

And mothers don't care about and just want the child maintenance

Some children are pretty calm but get caught slacking by people such as Jimmy savel or people called Belle jayden and MOST DEFINITELY ALBERT if u are a child stay away from EVERYONE called Albert no matter what they say

Person1: damn that's a nice house


Person1:I'm gonna drop kick some children in "self defense"

by Yourmumgayl69420 November 23, 2021