A group of famously sexy and badass ducks who enjoy Minecraft. These feathery gamers are not to be messed with, especially since they have the Power Of Kyle on their side. The Duck Gang was originally formed on a Minecraft server named SimplyVanilla, and since many copycat gangs have been formed. But of course, no gang can ever compare to the notorious Duck Gang!
"Kirbs you fool! Messing with Duck Gang has serious consequences!"
"I wish I was a member of the Duck Gang"
"Damn shawty, that sexy bill of yours is Duck Gang worthy!"
Cantonese for cute in chinglish
waaah ho duck yee = wow so cuuuute~
Wearing clothes on the top half and nothing on the bottom half.
As Donald Duck dresses.
I spent most of the morning Donald Ducking.
The supreme leader of the duck people in malaysia.
Oh man look how cool kelso duck is.
The quacking duck is when you put your thumb in her pussy and your index finger in her ass and then make a quacking motion with your hand.
As we sat on the couch watching television, I told my wife I was going to give her the quacking duck tonight.
Crisp, defeathered beasts and associated accompaniments usually seen displayed on dooks in glass duckdows in Asian restaurants.
What do you feel like to eat? I saw some ducks and sings hangin in da windows.