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Sleep sandwich

When ur hungry but instead of eating you go to sleep. You usually wake up with out the feeling of hunger. This is a step down from a "wish sandwich", which is two
Pieces of bread with nothing in between. You wish you had something to put in it.

I was gonna get a meal but I fell asleep
and had a sleep sandwich instead.

by Keythe856 November 1, 2011

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Embryo Sandwich

Refers to an Egg Sandwich. The egg being the embryo of a chicken.

Don't go runnin' in da hall snackin' on yo' embryo sandwich.
Go suck on yo' embryo sandwich.

by Raymond Zheng September 8, 2005

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cham sandwich

A ham and cheese sandwich.

Cham sandwiches are good.

by onethirtyeight June 1, 2005

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Work Sandwich

Back to back shifts, sp. closing shift followed by an opening shift the next day, primarily making a night on the town impractical.

I can't man, work sandwich.

by Nartal April 1, 2011

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Kansas Sandwich

A sandwich consisting of two prime cuts of grass-fed beef with kansas city sirloin strips in the middle. Garnish with red sequins from Dorothy's slippers.

I'll have the Kansas Sandwich on rye.

by hubblesandwich December 21, 2010

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girth sandwich

When two larger men sandwich a less girthy woman between them, creating a girth sandwich of double penetration

Kyle and Gabe made a girth sandwich out of Gia.

by Guurthmonster69lmao October 8, 2018

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ennui sandwich

That's that thing when you've been waiting in line for the toaster, but you're so hungry you make yourself a bagel and eat it before you eat your actual toasted bagel.

I was really determined to use the toaster for my bagel but I was so hungry I had to make myself an ennui sandwich. I'm starting to think that the line for the toaster is actually a separate dimension where time has no meaning.

by KKPresident October 11, 2015

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