A person who eats (a) women (woman) out whilst they currently have a tampon inside in.
a friend that cleans up the mess you made when your at your worst. everyone has one.
Me: This bitch is flippin' all over my facebook status about how i fucked her boyfriend.
Tampon friend: I'm on it honey, slut will wish she never existed
also known as period tax or pink tax; a sales tax/ added value charged on feminine hygiene products such as tampons and pads. While other necessities are tax exempt, feminine hygiene products are not. They are instead taxed as luxury items.
an unjust tax and form of gender discrimination, causing women to pay more, highlighting the prominence of men in government, and hurting young and financially unstable women.
When asked the male equivalence, some may say condoms, however they are necessary to both parties.
This tax exemption bill has been passed in a few states in the United States, Australia, the UK, and a few other countries.
Come on government, abolish the tampon tax so women can afford tampons.
Obama believes the tampon tax exists because men were the ones who made these laws.
A Q-tip, more notably a used Q-tip improperly disposed of, not in the garbage bin. Left out for potential public viewing and inevitable shaming.
My wife keeps leaving her waxy ear tampons laying around, now our cat is playing with one in front of her mother.
what someone asks their friend (or worse) if their friend is freakin' out.
"Gosh Johnny, who lit the fuse to your tampon?"
"Shut the hell up, Fred."
When kicking in a door and kill everyone and everything then come out bloody and none of it is yours
I'm going in like a Marine Tampon. All geared up and coming out bloody but none of it is mine…