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Audrey two

The hottest man eating plant from any medium

Audrey two ate the lad like it was a chicken dinner

by Turpus July 25, 2020


When you just have to have one more drink but you have already paid the tab....

I'm feeling rough today...last night was a two-tabber.

by techfisher78 December 12, 2013

Two Screen

To watch a movie at home on a tv screen while using your phone, tablet, or laptop, a second screen, in an effort to multitask

The movie wasn’t that good. I was two screening most of the time.

by Vundavata June 18, 2022

It's a two (2)

This phrase is mostly said while also flashing the gesture holding 2 fingers out, just as if you are flashing the peace sign except far more discreet. It means... 'its a bust' or 'keep it on the d.l (down low)'. Its said mostly between friends, where one friend is being a look out for another friend and giving them a heads up. Originated from a generation of people who were raised in Truckee/Lake Tahoe California in the mid & later 90's as teenagers.

Hey bro! It's a two (2), it's a two (2)!!!!

by ta hoe caligurrl💞 July 12, 2019


When you're having more than one drink at the bar, and buying another round.

"Thank you, sir. May I have two-nother? "

by Slamton June 29, 2018

two paged

when a test gets stolen and is front and back to start with, but on test day the test is actually two pages, not allowing one to fill out the test the night before.

We stole the math test, but the professor two paged us and we needed to copy the answers from the stolen copy onto the new copy.

by roy21 October 7, 2008

Maybe Two

Another way of saying, "I love you", or more specifically, to vocalize "<3", as in, less than 3, maybe two.

Person 1: I love you guys!
Person 2: <3
Person 3: Maybe Two!

by Sami Philadelphia June 23, 2010