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Social vegan

A vegan who secretly eats meat but is a vegan for the social status and for the ability to shame meat eaters

Piret is a social vegan

by LLL420 January 8, 2019

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Hardcore Vegan

Used by Bill Bailey in his "part troll" tour.

A vegan who won't drive through towns with the word "HAM" in the name.

Tom: You wanna go to Birmingham
Hardcore Vegan: Hell No

by Tom February 17, 2005

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emo vegan

1. An emo whom is also a vegan. 2. Some thing you call someone when they are whining about the environment, food contents, get new pants that are way too tight, or if there acting like a little pussy. 3. A genre of music ie. hedley, good charlotte, 30 seconds from mars

Look at that fucking emo vegan eating a tofu burger

by jonnytyronne April 6, 2011

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Maryland Vegan

A vegan who will still eat crabs.

Let's go get crabs! Oh wait I forgot you're vegan.

It's okay I'm a Maryland Vegan

by Gonzo Writer August 29, 2013

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Vegan killed jews

by Pandours November 21, 2019

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There are three types of vegans:
The one that reveals themselves as the conversation goes;
The one that you know is vegan straight away;
The definition of insanity over something normal for humans;

"Hi, Jane, would you like to come to my bbq party tonight?" "No, sorry I won't"
"Why is that?" "I don't eat meat."

"Hi, Rick!" "I am vegan"

*already at a party*
"Would you like me to give you some steak?" "No, I am vegan!" "Then why are you here?" "Don't question me you dirty animal, I am gonna kill you for the deaths you've taken. These animals want to live!"

by I am vegan April 14, 2019

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near vegan

person eating a vegetarian diet that may include minor amounts of "hidden" animal by-products found in packaged foods or animal products that do not result in death of animal e.g. honey

Joe is a near vegan, eating mainly plant-based foods while not sitting down with a brick of cheese.

by Usern789 October 5, 2011

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