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He clearly likes it

Term with a soul purpose of referencing CallMeCarson.

This is a he clearly likes it moment

by Reggie from Nintendo May 13, 2020

10๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Did he die

A youtube fad where a user will comment 'did he die' if a person in the video falls, gets even mildly injured, or for any other unrelated reason.

Sometimes the comment will be in a different form where the user states a explanation accompanied with 'he died.'

The people who do this are either trying to be funny or piss people off, in which case the latter usually occurs.

*Kid flips off dirtbike*
Asshole128: omg did he die?


Asshole393: i heard that he broke his ribs and then he died.

by iamnobody00 May 30, 2009

422๐Ÿ‘ 221๐Ÿ‘Ž

Did he death?

A variation on the internet meme, "did he died?". Commonly posted by trolls on Failblog Youtube videos. In these videos a person is injured, most of the time not severely and the comment is meant as sarcastic.


Did he death?


No you n00b, he walked away. What a troll!

by Da_big_P May 31, 2009

34๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Did he die?

A term, originating from FailBlog users, used as a response to a video that consists of people being injured, although many seem to use this term for any form of fail

There may be variations of the term, such as "Did he death?", "Is he died?", "Did he died" and "He died"

*Video of man falling over*

Viewer 1: Did he die?
Viewer 2: Did he death?
Viewer 3: Yeah, he died

by Chris V2 June 20, 2009

50๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

He went to Jared

An annoying phrase that will NOT catch on, so shut up.

On a poorly written commercial with bad actors...

Girlfran #1: OMG Gurrrl He went to Jared!
Girlfran #2: What?
Girlfran #1: Gurrrl! He went to Jared! He bought me diamonds!
Girlfran #2: Is that some attempted universal symbol for proposing? If it is then it's retarded and isn't going to catch on. In fact I doubt that people who actually got stuff from there say that. So shut up.
Girlfran #1: ...

by jkbena612 December 22, 2009

44๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

he made graduation

What people say to defend Kanye West for saying he liked Hitler.
Said to remind them that Kanye made his album graduation so he's not bad anymore because the album is so good.

"I can't believe Kanye West said that!"

"Yeah, but he made graduation."
"Oh yeah. I love Kanye."

by forrealongod January 5, 2023

16๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

he is using you

1. He is not interested in getting to know you and does not appear to want to waste any time talking to you.
2. He does not make significant effort to please you.
3. He does not show genuine concern for your feelings, goals, ideas, family, friends, etc, etc, etc.
4. He is not affectionate, sensitive, or deep.
5. He is not texting, emailing, or calling you.
6. He seems to expect you to meet his needs first, but does not show any real interest in meeting yours.
7. He curses at you, tries to control you, and take you down a notch when you do not meet his needs, first.
8. He doesn't ever seem to conistently compliment you on anything besides your beauty, body or something that pertains to your sexiness. You rarely (if ever) hear him complimenting you on your personality, your intelligence, your talents, your ideas, your accomplishments, the creative things you make.
9. He talks about sex waaaaay too much to be respectful of your wish to remain pure.
10. He has proven to be none of the things he says he is.

"He is using you."

by are you with him? May 5, 2013

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