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oscar mayer weiner

What everyone on those commercials for Oscar Mayer would really love to be

Those people on the commercial wanna be oscar mayer weiners? WTF?

by Like I'm Gonna Tell You! October 5, 2006

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Waples the Weiner Wacker

One who wacks weiner.
One of extreme gayness who often looks at other dude with a sense of sexual arousement.
One who undresses other guys with his eyes.

Dude your so gay your like Waples the Weiner Wacker.
Laterrence quit being a Waples the Weiner Wacker.
Jared Mccarthy.

by Sir Waples January 18, 2010

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Weiner-mobile ritual

A ritual in which a German-speaker take a Weiner sausage, attaches wheels on it and rides it, the Weiner-mobile, from Frankfurt to Bavaria while drinking beer.

Hey bro, my man Walter just performed a Weiner-mobile Ritual. I know right, he's so cool!

by Viguple September 20, 2021

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Where's Waldo Weiner

A weiner so small that children look for it in books.

"Damn, that guy will never get laid with that where's waldo weiner."

by personwhodoesntgiveafuck May 27, 2015

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small weiner clan

first you have to submit a picture to our weenie analyzers. then they look for small weiners. no veins. no blue balls. and you must donate 10k everyday

come to the small weiner clan

by UD_samboi May 4, 2022

Sonic Weiner Method

The method of giving a woman a orgasm with a one foot hotdog from Sonic while in the Sonic bathroom.

"Wanna go to sonic?"
"Ya I heard of the new Sonic Weiner Method"
"...sounds lit (rolling eyes back into head)"

by Gregory3298 July 28, 2016

Steaming some weiners

2 or more males sitting in a hot tub with no women present.

Did you see those two dudes in the hot tub? Yea they were steaming some weiners

by Shfiftyfive August 17, 2012