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Twitter Block

Something that occurs when you are about to tweet. You look at the question "What are you doing?" and realize that the answer is truly nothing. And just before you type something insanely ridonkulous, Twitter Block makes you leave the computer or hit a toolbar key.

Fred: What are you doing?

Steve: I'm just staring at the screen. I want to twitter something but I've got nothing.

Fred: You've got Twitter Block, man. Just forget about it.

by greatlakestony May 13, 2009

10๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

twitter twat

A no-life freak who spends all his/her waking hours tweeting, reading tweets, and searching for people on Twitter.
A complete loser.

Becky has become a twitter twat

by mangonzo April 28, 2010

58๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

twitter cult

When following 1 person on twitter or 1 person following you, causes a storm of related followers to almost magically appear.

Two weeks from today I was a desperate tweeter, but thanks to the magic of a "twitter cult" a storm of diet & health train tweeter have joined. My 36 followers is about to jump over 100!

by Creeper Jones May 15, 2010

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Twitter Post

When someone says something dumb to you and they might not even realize they're doing it, but you caught on. This is referencing when you call something a twitter post- it's actually called a tweet.

Taylor: How did the slaves build the tunnel for the Underground Railroad? When did they have the time?

responses could be:

Tatum: That's such a twitter post lol
Tatum: Omg twitter post

by Channing Taytum August 30, 2018

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Twitter Roulette

A game where you randomly pick one of the people you follow then you start randomly clicking on photos in the "Following" section on the right side of the page. Every time you pull up a new profile you randomly click again on one the of the photos under the "Following" section. You keep clicking until you accomplish one of the following:

You find yourself again after at least 5 clicks +5 (points)
You find someone you know personally +2
You travel to a foreign country +1 for each new country
You travel back to your own country +1
You find someone from your state +1
You find someone famous +1
You find someone with no followers -10 (and game over)

Everyone can make up their own rules and scoring. It's a great alternative to solitaire and you can run into some really interesting people to follow.

I played a few rounds of Twitter Roulette while I waited for my laundry to dry. I found a really cool guy to follow in France and I lost the first round after I clicked on some lady in Germany with over 10,000 followers but she didn't follow anyone.

by divadoll February 15, 2010

14๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


A social media platform for vain, bored adults suffering from arrested development who want to impress celebrities with their wit, or insult cthose they hate or they think have 'transgressed' in some manner. This is made more likely by a character limit which makes jokes and insults the easiest way to grab attention and followers, some of whom may be fake accounts.
Generally benign users may be caught up in a twitter storm, when vocal political activists lash out and project their social ineptitude on anyone they disagree with. Twitter has been used by many in creating online echo chambers, doxxing, dog-piling and bullying people out of employment. It also acts like a late-capitalist version of the Stasi.
Generally useful if you want to shout into the digital aether.

Johnny Fuckwit; Did you see what some ghastly apper said about a vacant bimbo on Twitter?
Quentin Pinkeye; No, i was having dinner with friends.

by Klaatu's Nikto December 1, 2017

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twitter handle

A retarded way of saying 'twitter username'.

"What's your twitter handle?"
"...If you mean my username, it's ___."

by mountaingirl March 16, 2014

170๐Ÿ‘ 122๐Ÿ‘Ž